Believe! Supernatural Home Page
The Evidence...
- UFO Picture Gallery...This is where you will find all sorts of strange and wonderful things. Your guide will be John of the Erickson Paranormal Research Foundation. Enjoy the Tour!
- Gulf Breeze SightingsHere is probably one of the better perspective shots of the UFOs that were sighted in the Gulf Breeze area.
The Written Word
Here is where I will feature writers that I know personally. Lyz Mack,a published author and poet, will share her published and unpublished works in this forum. Her stories of alien abductions and government coverups are thrilling and engrossing. Her poems reflect a modern, middle-class urban look on life and the trials and tribulations and the joys of life.
The Lighter Side...
Take these links to some of the better Science Fiction pages on the web. Everything from the X-Files to Star Trek and more await you.
- The X-Files
- The GORN Home Page
- Meet me at the usual cafe, we have to talk...
- Also we will feature a segment on the government coverup by our very own Agent X.
Created by John Erickson
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